When Jolissaint speaks, greenwash appears

Publié le par Matt

During the last motor show in Detroit, car manufacturers tried to build themselves a “green” image. But one of them talked a bit too much during a breakfast at the SAA’s 19th Annual Automotive Outlook conference on Tuesday 9 January. The one who went too far is Van Jolissaint, DaimlerChrysler’s Chief Economist.


According to him, when talking about global warming, Europeans act as “Chicken Little” does : they are running around in circles screaming “the sky is falling”. Jolissaint simply questions climate change. It is “way, way in the future, with a high degree of uncertainty”. Well, it seems like he explains what american car manufacturers do think.


But how do they explain the “green” image they try to build themselves? Schizophrenia?! The explanation could be far more simple : how to make money whith a concept. Climate change? A myth. Money? A goal! There are a lot of “Chicken Little” on Earth that do believe that global warming is everything but a myth. Thus they had the brilliant idea to sell us “clean fuel”. The message is hidden but simple : keep on polluting, we’re making money thanks to your beliefs on climate change!

Greenwash is cynical. This time, they’re really laughing at us. We’re not dumb. Clean cars on the market still are a myth. But climate change and global warming are real. Thank you Van Jolissaint for helping us to understand that you, car manufacturers, are taking drivers for idiots.


Source : BBC

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